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Showing 11-20 of 30 titles.
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10 Ships That Rocked the World

By Gillian Richardson
Illustrated by Kim Rosen
Categories: Children's Nonfiction
Series: World of Tens

Come aboard for daring stories that shaped history in surprising ways.

Ships have sailed through human history for thousands of years. Sometimes, their dramatic voyages have even changed the course of ...

10 Rivers That Shaped the World

By Marilee Peters
Illustrated by Kim Rosen
Categories: Children's Nonfiction
Series: World of Tens

Navigate the fascinating twists and turns of rivers that have molded our history.

Rivers can be extraordinarily powerful, and not just because of their fast-flowing currents. They can make civilizations ...

In Your Face

By Shari Graydon
Illustrated by Karen Klassen
Categories: Children's Nonfiction

A lively, thought-provoking look at the power and pitfalls of the beauty industry hype.

From fairy tales and Hollywood movies to magazine ads, reality TV and the Internet, we absorb the lesson early: being ...

Generals Die in Bed

“The importance of this book … cannot be overstated.” —The Globe and Mail

As the world marks the 100th anniversary of the start of World War I, the bestselling novel Generals Die in Bed becomes ...

Not My Girl

Margaret can’t wait to see her family, but her homecoming is not what she expected.

Two years ago, Margaret left her Arctic home for the outsiders’ school. Now she has returned and can barely contain ...

Secrets Underground

Uncover the spine-tingling mysteries and eerie surprises that lurk right under your feet!

In Secrets Underground, history buff Elizabeth MacLeod takes readers deep down, down, down below the earth’s ...

It's a Feudal, Feudal World

By Stephen Shapiro
Illustrated by Ross Kinnaird
Categories: Children's Nonfiction

Enter a medieval world unlike any you’ve seen before.

Welcome to an innovative and reader-friendly approach to medieval history, one that combines visually appealing infographics, whimsical cartoons ...

When I Was Eight

Bestselling memoir Fatty Legs for younger readers.

Olemaun is eight and knows a lot of things. But she does not know how to read. Ignoring her father’s warnings, she travels far from her Arctic home ...

The Lynching of Louie Sam

Murder, racism, and injustice wreak havoc in a frontier town.

Between 1882 and 1968 there were 4,742 lynchings in the United States. In Canada during the same period there was one—the hanging  of Louie ...

People Who Said No

When saying no is the right thing to do.

Sometimes it’s okay to ignore the rules or break the law. In fact, it’s essential! This thought-provoking book features people who did just that: Sophie and ...