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Science & Nature

Showing 31-33 of 33 titles.
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50 Poisonous Questions

By Tanya Lloyd Kyi
Illustrated by Ross Kinnaird
Categories: Children's Nonfiction
Series: 50 Questions

It’s a toxic world out there.

Poisonous snakes, toxic herbicides, noxious fumes—poisons in one form or another are all around us. An innocent-looking flower may be lethal, and smog can make it impossible ...

The Great Motion Mission

By Cora Lee
Illustrated by Steve Rolston
Categories: Children's Nonfiction

When the summer fair is canceled to make way for a physics conference, Jeremy agrees to help his uncle protest. But their mission is foiled by Audrey, a young science whiz, who sets out to prove that ...

Nibbling on Einstein's Brain

Illustrated by Francis Blake
By Diane Swanson
Categories: Children's Nonfiction

Science affects every part of our lives. It can determine the foods we eat, the clothes we weareven the video games we play. But how do you tell the good science from the bad?

Bite into Nibbling on Einstein’s ...